Our Swyom India Alpha Fund Features (PMS)

Sector Agnostic

We invest across various sectors, seeking opportunities regardless of industry.


We employ a variety of investment strategies to navigate different market conditions.


Our portfolio invests in companies of all sizes, from large-cap to small-cap.

Open-Ended Scheme

You have the flexibility to enter and exit the fund at your convenience.

Unique Mix

Our fund blends Value and Growth, focusing on companies with strong moats and sustainable revenues.

Rigorous Research

Use of financial and quantitative tools to evaluate the quality of a business and its promoters.


We invest in a well-diversified portfolio across high-performing sectors and securities.

Why Choose Portfolio Management Services

Structured Solutions

Identification of growth oriented equities along with effective risk management.


Regular performance report and direct ownership of underlying securities.

Better Governance

Comprehensive SEBI regulation offers better flexibility while ensuring investor protection.

Professional Management

Active investment based on thorough business understanding & informed decision making.

Risk Management

Prudent portfolio structuring based on calculated risk management strategies as per the market movements.

From Our CEO's Desk

  • Raman is a rank holder CA and a commerce graduate from St. Xavier's College with 21 years of strong experience in various areas of finance
  • His experience with Asian Paints & Pidilite over the past two decades enabled him to develop a strong grip and understanding of high performing businesses
  • In his enduring tenure, he closely witnessed the growth, expansion & peak phases of strongly successful businesses.
  • Founded Swyom with a vision of creating value for stakeholders through his deep frontline experience at successfully driven corporates and his lifelong passion for equity markets
  • Under his mastership. Swyom has designed a robust proprietary framework for identification of compounder stocks at an early stage


Common questions about Portfolio Management Services (PMS)

Portfolio Management Service (PMS) is a customized investment solution where a professional fund manager actively manages your investment portfolio based on your risk appetite and financial goals.

As per SEBI regulations an investor must invest a minimum of 50 lakhs to start a Portfolio Management Services account.

Here are the major benefits of portfolio management services:
  • Transparency: You have easy access to real-time information about your investments, performance reports, and holdings. This builds trust with your portfolio manager.
  • Customization: PMS tailors investment solutions to your specific goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.
  • Flexibility: Unlike mutual funds, PMS allows portfolio managers to adjust your investments based on market conditions.

  • High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) and Institutions: PMS caters to a niche segment of clients with substantial investable assets.
  • Investors Seeking Personalized Solutions: If you desire a customized approach to wealth creation and appreciate high-touch service, PMS could be a good fit.
  • Investors with Diverse Asset Preferences: If you're interested in investing beyond just equities, PMS can accommodate asset classes like fixed income and structured products
  • Family Offices and Senior Corporate Employees: PMS is well-suited for family offices and senior corporate employees looking for tailored investment strategies and professional portfolio management.
**Disclaimer:Investments in Securities are subject to market and other risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objectives of any of the strategies of the Portfolio. Management Services (PMS) will be achieved. Investors in the PMS Product are not being offered any guaranteed/assured returns. The past performance of the portfolio manager does not indicate the future performance for any of the strategies. The investment sutibility should be checked thoroughly by the investors.The investments may not be suited to all categories of investors.
SEBI Certificate of Registration as Portfolio Manager INP300007712